Break Writer’s Block & Find the Perfect Word at Brain Bank
So many times while writing authors try to find the exact word that will make a sentence pop. They head over to google, or go to their trusted thesaurus, only to find words that are close but not quite perfect. Enter Brain Bank.
Here, a user can search for a word and find its definition, synonyms, antonyms, example sentences, but most importantly, a list of 100 words that are in some way related to the searched for word.
Brain Bank is a place any writer or student can go to find the word that is better than the word they were thinking.
Example Usages
Let’s say you are writing about the laconic professor. But laconic isn’t quite right. You know the professor doesn’t say much so you might think he is laconic, but you also know it doesn’t quite fit. So you go to Brain Bank and you search for laconic. This is what you get…
You look at a few words and you find taciturn. It is similar to laconic but not quite a synonym. You click on it and find that instead of ‘brief and to the point,’ taciturn means ‘habitually reserved and uncommunicative.’ You realize this is more of what you were trying to say. You weren’t trying to describe the professor as speaking with few words, getting straight to the point, but rather that it was hard to communicate with him after class and as a result it was difficult to get the extra help you needed in clarifying his lecture.
So, at Brain Bank, not only will you find the word you were looking for, but you may come to understand the characters you are creating (or writing about if you are a journalist) in a more profound way.
Break Writers Block by Writing Example Sentences
Another way for writers to use Brain Bank’s words tool is to write creative sentences using a word in context. The goal is to make clear the word’s definition by the sentence you create because in order for the word’s meaning to truly stick in your mind you have to use the word in a sentence as accurately as possible. This could lead you to break your writer’s block by forcing you to create characters that fit into the word you are studying.
Remember the taciturn professor above? Are there other taciturn people you can imagine? What about laconic people? What do they do? Where do they live? Who do they know and how do they interact with those people?
And if you look up laconic, you might find its mere opposite in loquacious. Laconic people are much different than those chatty loquacious people. Find characters that fit the mold. Or, create complex characters who are laconic in one circumstance but loquacious in others. A sentence I created once was… ‘the boy was laconic with his parents but loquacious with his friends.’ From there you can dive in to the world of the character. Why was the boy so short with his parents? Which version of the boy was the real him? Maybe both?
Here is a list I created a couple days ago. I will keep adding more words and in turn finding more words. I will keep writing more example sentences and studying the words so they become part of my everyday vocabulary.
Yes, Brain Bank is a site I created. Yes, I am trying to promote it. However, I am also a budding fiction writer and as I was beginning my writer’s journey I was longing for a tool just like this. So I created it and now I am sharing it in hopes that it becomes a valuable tool for all writers like me.